When Louisa Peck underwent a Near Death Experience in 1982, she was an atheist who had never heard of NDEs and would have dismissed them as nonsense if she had.  She was also a budding alcoholic -- a fact not unrelated to the lethal dose of lidocaine, sold to her as cocaine, that she ingested at a Manhattan nightclub, causing her to suffer a grand mal seizure and cardiac arrest.  Dead for three minutes while a bartender attempted CPR, Louisa left her body and experienced a symbolic journey into the heart of the sun.  She is one of a tiny minority of NDErs who, upon returning, chose to reject their NDE as unreal.  Louisa intended to remain a drunken atheist, but the NDE had punctured her spiritual "bubble" such that spiritual energies could now reach her.  The spirit world saw to it that she not only got sober in AA ten years later, but changed her entire view of the universe.

Near death experiences can be real game changers.  As we begin 2020, THURSTON COUNTY IANDS (formerly known as Lacey/Oly NDE) presents  another interesting near death story, one that speaks of hope, and offers a new perspective on life here and beyond. The Lacey/Oly NDE forum will meet on JANUARY 13th, from 3 to 6 pm. at the Lacey Timberland library.  Please note, this is the second Monday of the month, instead of the third, due to the MLK holiday.

As always, these sessions are free and welcome to the public.  We also offer a snack table and a give-and-take book exchange.  Come with open minds and open hearts.  We find these sessions helpful for all ages and stages, including those in grief, caregivers, medical staff, first responders, military and the just plain curious.

Questions? Contact facilitator, Jackie Huetter at thurstoncountyiands@gmail.com.  Jackie is a near death experiencer, who is active in Seattle International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS).  She offers grief workshops locally and in the U.S.

                                      New website:  Thurston County IANDS